Home Creations News

Stop renting, start owning!

May 1, 2024 Share
Stop renting, start owning!

One thing I commonly hear is, “I’m just tired of renting,” and with good reason. It is frustrating to pay an amount each month and know that you are essentially paying someone else’s mortgage. I can remember my dad telling me that I might as well be throwing my money away; especially considering the sum I was shelling over each month, with no equity to show for it.

There are many benefits to homeownership, with the most obvious - building wealth. Other wealth builders to consider are the tax breaks and tax credits, such as the deductibility of property taxes and mortgage interest, and the exclusion of capital gains. 

Pursuant to homeownership, reports also show higher education performance and better behavior of children, lower community crime rates, lessened welfare dependency among households, more household participation in civic affairs, and better overall household health. Plus, communities benefit from real estate taxes homeowners pay, and from stable neighborhoods homeowners create.

Stop by any of our community’s show homes and talk to our Community Managers about why YOU need to stop renting and start owning a home TODAY!

Read More: home ownership, new home




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